Ricardo Delarue panellist for evidence in litigation session at AEERJ event

Ricardo Delarue, our Vice President for the LATAM region, is participating in the Nova Lei de Licitações – Prevenção e Resolução de Conflitos nos Contratos (New Bidding Law - Prevention and Resolution of Conflicts in Contracts) event organized by the Associação das Empresas de Engenharia do Rio de Janeiro - AEERJ (Association of Engineering Companies of Rio de Janeiro).

Ricardo will be a panellist in the session Produção de Provas Complexas nos Litígios envolvendo Contratos de Construção (Production of Complex Evidence in Litigation involving Construction Contracts).

Do not miss this event if you are in Rio de Janeiro on the 29 November 2022.

Registrations are now open! Link to register.