Metrolinx, Canada


Systech has been working with Metrolinx since 2018, providing multidisciplinary contract management, scheduling, claims avoidance/management, dispute resolution and training services over the full lifespan of projects within its regional capital program.

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About Metrolinx 

Metrolinx, an agency of the Government of Ontario under the Metrolinx Act, 2006, was created to improve the coordination and integration of all modes of transportation in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area.

Metrolinx is undertaking the most extensive transportation investment in Ontario’s history, with the construction of a comprehensive, integrated multimodal service to accommodate population growth projections in the decades to come. Metrolinx also operates GO Transit, UP Express and PRESTO. 

Our Role

We have ongoing framework appointments with Metrolinx for the provision of commercial and claims management services, advising the Operations Commercial Management and Rapid Transit System Team on transit capital projects. 
We provide support on early stage, pre-procurement and procurement work, and have also become a trusted advisor to Metrolinx through our central claims function, by providing commercial support and centralised reporting and improvement initiatives.

A key aspect of our role is to provide strategic procurement and contracting options advice, robust contract, and schedule management with a focus on early warning measures to prevent cost and schedule escalation, claims/dispute avoidance strategies and staff training.

Collaborative approach 

We implement a “Plan for Success” strategy in all projects, where the parties work collaboratively to ensure early identification of issues and to construct a revised schedule, which becomes the basis for commercial negotiation in settlement of all claims. We interface management between design and construction, bringing contractors onboard, aligning objectives and fostering close collaboration between all the program teams. 
We provided key advisory services on the first project in Canada to use an alliance contracting model, having a key role within the drafting committee, which included market sounding and the preparation of the RFQ, RFP, Alliance Development Agreement and Project Agreement. We have also contributed to the team upon execution of the Alliance Development Agreement. 

Systech Delay Analysis Software Implementation 

Systech has supported Metrolinx with our world leading Delay Analysis Software system, which provides daily windows assessments and trends in the critical path activities to aid a preventative approach. 

The Projects 

We have advised Metrolinx on more than 15 projects across a variety of portfolios (GO Expansion Program, including Union Station Enhancement Program, Ontario Line rapid transit and subways projects) that are managed under various forms of contracts (traditional DBB/DB, P3, target cost, alliance, collaborative models).