Day in the life - Rebecca Redhead

What's it like working for Systech?

Rebecca Redhead, a Partner of Systech Law, is the focus of our latest day in the life piece. Rebecca began work with Systech as a recently qualified barrister and has since gone on to work in Singapore, Taiwan, Japan and the UK. 

What is your position/role at Systech?

I’m a Barrister and I am a Partner for Systech Law in Japan; providing legal and commercial advice to clients on contentious and non-contentious matters.

What is your typical day?

Due to the current Covid-19 circumstances, like many people I am working from home. I had planned to relocate to Japan in June, but the impacts of Covid-19 delayed that until November, so I have only just arrived in Japan.

A significant part of my work relates to advising clients on how to deal with the problems Covid-19 has caused to their projects. I’m working with the Systech team and clients in Japan remotely. Whilst working from home is not ideal, I can’t complain about the commute!

What are the interesting aspects of your role?

I enjoy working with teams to find solutions to problems, bringing the different skills and experience within Systech together to find the right resolution for the client. I also get to work on ground-breaking projects throughout the world and experience working in different cultures.

What are the challenges?

Project teams for large projects are often made up of a diverse range of people, often from different companies in joint ventures. Everyone has different ideas, concerns and motivations. It can require a lot of patience and intuition to understand what is really going on and find a way to make solutions work for everyone.

Taiwan High Speed Rail
Dubai Metro

What training and support has Systech given you?

Systech regularly arrange internal and external seminars on current topics. I have also been involved with the provision of training contracts and career support for junior lawyers, so I’m able to pass along the support.

What words of advice would you offer someone thinking of joining Systech?

The range of international opportunities and support is unrivalled. You can develop your career the way you want to; so you will gain the most by being open to trying new locations or roles that you may not have previously considered.

What social activities have you been involved in?

The social aspect is very important, particularly for the international offices. The regular drinks and meals let you meet colleagues who you may not yet have had chance to work with, and once you’ve met someone in person it’s much easier to keep connected with them.

What is the culture like?

The management are very approachable. Many, including me, have been with Systech for a while. This means we can share our own experience in addressing the issues that newer employees may face. We can empathise with how it feels the first time you have to report to a senior client representative, or relocate to a new country for example.

How has your career developed with Systech?

I started with Systech as a recently qualified barrister, and from the outset was involved with large projects. I’ve been able to work on a wide range of projects at all stages from tender, through execution and post-completion matters including various forms of dispute resolution. I have learnt how to manage teams, develop the business and train junior lawyers.

How has Systech helped you achieve your career goals?

I have been able to relocate to different countries: Singapore, Taiwan, Japan and the UK. This has enabled me to gain wide experience in projects and business cultures. I have also been supported in moving into more management-focused roles which in turn has enabled me to help support the career development of others.

What makes Systech different from the competition?

Systech has always had a client-led, dynamic approach to developing its business. Good ideas of how to do new things, or do things differently, are always given serious consideration.

What has been your greatest achievement with Systech?

There have been successful outcomes of disputes which are always a boost, but it doesn’t overshadow the importance of building strong relationships with clients. Knowing that there are clients that I worked with many years ago who are keen to work with me again is definitely an achievement of which I am proud.

Tell us about a project where you have learnt a key lesson?

A key lesson from more than one project is that often the most difficult relationship is not between the employer and the contractor, but between joint venture partners.