What work do you do for Systech?
I work within the contracts division providing project services to our clients. This includes advising on procurement strategies, forms of contract, commercial management procedures, on-site contract administration, and claims/dispute avoidance. I also deliver training programmes on a wide variety of topics including contract management and project kick-off workshops where I will make sure that the members of the delivery team understand their roles and responsibilities and are fully appraised of the contract, particularly any unusual bespoke clauses.
What is your typical day?
Since June 2020 I have been working with the government body responsible for the public transport network in Toronto, Canada. Due to COVID, like many others, the team were all working remotely until mid-2022. I have therefore been working from the UK which is five hours ahead of my Toronto-based colleagues. Whilst these circumstances can sometimes mean being on calls late into the evening, they also provide me the advantage of getting ahead of the game by working in the morning when necessary. I am now making arrangements to allow me to spend time in the client’s Toronto office and am looking forward to finally being able to meet the team in person.
What are the interesting aspects of your work?
The variety of the projects and disputes with which I’m involved is what interests me the most. Whenever you think that things could not have been more challenging on a project, the next assignment presents you with a whole new set of circumstances.