What work do you do for Systech?
I am currently part of a Systech team that provides commercial and contractual advice to a client organisation that is delivering a major transportation program in Ontario, Canada. My role is to assist the client’s project controls team to evaluate, assess and respond to the contractor’s claims for extension of time. Also, as part of the role, the development of the narrative highlighting how the contractor’s own issues evolved.
What is your typical day?
Get up (usually 5.00am), meditate, coffee, read something positive, work, lunch, work, knock off work, family time.
The above is a typical template for my day. However, the project we are dealing with is as unique as all projects are, and I also work exclusively from home at the moment. This obviously means a lot of online meetings and discussions to keep in touch.
We have been through learning curves, educating the team. Times when the issues and hours were intense and other times when there was the calm before the storm feeling.
What are the interesting aspects of your work?
Meeting new people and figuring out what makes them tick. There are no mundane issues that we deal with and answers are not always obvious and require working through and teamwork.